Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the X International Symposium on Childhood Deafness, MSOA Regional Meeting, that will take place in Naples on October 23-25, 2025.
The meeting will be hosted by: Otolaryngology Department and Cochlear Implants Unit Santobono – Pausilipon Children’s Hospital of Naples – Italy.
The scientific program of our meeting will reflect the multifaceted, interdisciplinary approach to otology and audiology pathology.
The topics of the meeting will focus on various aspects of the treatment of hearing loss using traditional hearing aids, cochlear implants, and middle ear implants.
Speakers will discuss their knowledge in thematic lectures, round table sessions, poster and film sessions.
You will meet prominent Otologist and audiologists from all over the world to discuss the main theme of this important appointment: Masterclass in diagnosing and treating hearing loss in children.
Our goal is to organize an international meeting that will serve as an occasion for all the groups from Italy, Europe, and the Mediterranean area, to reflect on and share their experiences.
We sincerely hope you will enjoy this event, and we are looking forward to personally welcoming you to Naples.
Antonio della Volpe, MD
Chairman of the X International Symposium on Childhood Deafness
MSOA Regional Meeting